What’s good and what’s not about AI?

Jennie Shen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Since the Dartmouth Summit in 1956, the fortunes of technology have shifted. Over the past 60 years, the rise of machines, artificial intelligence, and robotics has dramatically improved our lives.

Without realizing it, we are using technology every single day. Artificial intelligence has facilitated Google’s search engine, Facebook’s automatic photo tagging feature, Apple and Microsoft’s voice assistants, Amazon’s shopping recommendations, and Tesla’s driverless cars.

But it is undeniable that there is a lot of controversy about the AI aspect. Today I’m going to summarize some of the benefits and risks of AI for the marketing fields.

Please see the infographic below.

Resource: https://business.linkedin.com/en-uk/marketing-solutions/blog/posts/B2B-Marketing/2016/Should-we-fear-AI-in-marketing

Artificial intelligence will play an important role in the future of the marketing process. However, I don’t think AI can replace all marketer’s work. In particular, it cannot replace the creativity of marketers. If the future of marketing departments is completely replaced by AI, then our creative vision and audience experience will also become smaller. That must not be what we want. Therefore, it is very important to use AI wisely.



Jennie Shen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

• NYU graduate student (IMC) | Marketing| PR| Creative Writing Food addict|