How to Success in Marketing World: Be Fascinate!

Jennie Shen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 20, 2021


Believe it or not, I am a big fan of doing all kinds of psychological tests.
Because I wanted to learn more about myself and find out “Who I am.”

Growing up, I took countless tests. Like John Holland Self’s career interest test or the tarot card test to predict the future, I am always curious about the world and myself.

And today, I did a new test — — Sally Hogshead ’s The Fascinatate Test. This test is exciting and different from other tests. It is interesting because the test shows you “How Does The World See You” instead of seeing yourself. Out of curiosity, I entered the code provided by joanne tombrakos, registered my account, and began the test.

The test itself is simple and straightforward. There are 28 questions in all, and it is easy to answer. After answering these questions, you will get a personalized “Fascination Advantage Report,” which shows your archetype, primary and secondary strengths.

Result Of My fascinatateTest

Source: The Fascination Advantage Report

The report says that my archetype is “The Guardian,”and my three adjectives are “Prominent, genuine, and sure-footed,” which means that I don’t panic when a star achiever leaves. I rarely show stress, and I remain calm when an organization is under pressure.

My primary advantage is power, and my secondary benefit is trust.
The word “Power” here means that I have a prominent reputation as a leader in my business field. And I know how to make a decision.
“Trust” means people look to me to be dependable, and I always bring certainty to a chaotic environment in everyday life.

And my dormant advantage is prestige.

Honestly, I will say the result is quite surprised me. I admit that I am very independent and good at solving problems. I guess it has something to do with the experience that I came to America to study alone when I was young. After all, I have to make my own choices. For instance, how to choose a house on a limited budget, which university to attend, which major I should choose, etc.

Besides, I agree that I can be trusted because I treat people with my heart and soul. And I always do my best when assignments are assigned to me. So I am always a “ go-to person” when my friends or colleagues need me. However, I don’t think I’m calm enough under pressure. I still get nervous and overwhelmed. I always seek help and comfort from others. Therefore, I believe Sally’s Fascination Test is not 100% accurate.

Will this change the way I perceive myself or myself as a “brand?” No! While I’m obsessed with taking personality tests, I know that everyone is unique and complex. You can not describe a person in a category. This is very one-sided and inaccurate. So I will continue to be myself, and the test will not change my view of myself.

See you next week!



Jennie Shen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

• NYU graduate student (IMC) | Marketing| PR| Creative Writing Food addict|